Starbound free item mod
Starbound free item mod

starbound free item mod

price : Sets the value, which is used for selling or purchasing an item with pixels.Does not normally appear within the game.

starbound free item mod

itemName : Sets an item name used by the game engine.These are parameters that will show up frequently when viewing JSON files throughout the /items directory. Contains various other parameters, such as pickupSounds and defaultTimeToLive.blueprintPriceFactor : Sets value of all blueprints by multiplying value of crafted object.Note: Nearly all items & objects have price set, including dirt.defaultPrice : Sets default value for all items & objects that do not have price set.defaultMaxStack : Sets default maximum stack size for all items & objects that do not have maxStack set.altBlockRadius : Sets block placement size when Shift is held does not affect mining or distance.blockRadius : Sets block placement size does not affect mining or distance.

#Starbound free item mod Patch#

patch files, and will require a file replacement for changes to apply. Object files (such as furniture items) are located within the /objects directory, not within /items. In contrast, the /coins and /fishing directories only contain a single JSON and PNG file each. The /active directory is the most complex within this section as it contains files for weapons featuring alt-abilities (example: broadswords, assault rifles, fists), shields, vehicle controllers, and the grappling hook. JSON, PNG files for thrown items and weapons. JSON, PNG files for simple axes, daggers, and short swords. JSON, PNG files for staff weapons and visual effects. JSON, PNG files for unused(?) ship assets. JSON, PNG files for simple guns and other ranged weapons. JSON, PNG files for crafting items, consumables, food/drink, misc. JSON, PNG, LUA files for wide variety of activated items.

Starbound free item mod